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His history

Will est né à Narbonne, au sein d’une famille d’imprimeurs et d’écrivains régionaux. Il trouve son équilibre dans le football et la musique. Sous l’influence et avec le soutien de son père, il apprend la guitare.
A 17 ans, il forme son 1er groupe, reprenant du « punk californien » puis un second orienté vers le métal.

Will was born in Narbonne in a family of regional printers and writers. He found balance in football and music. With the influence and support of his father, he learnt how to play the guitar.


At age 17, he created his first band that covered Californian punk style bands, followed by a second band more inclined towards Metal.


Au fil des années, il a voulu épurer sa musique et c’est seul, avec sa guitare, qu’il se produit sur scène. Il tombe alors sous le charme de la guitare Weissenborn en particulier, jouée également par Ben Harper.

Il se fait fabriquer ses instruments originaux mêlant ainsi sa passion de la musique et du bois.

 Avec son style Old School inspiré par Led Zep , BBKing et la Motown il veut traverser les continents pour jouer et partager sa musique avec le monde entier.

Through the following years, he wanted more purity in his music so that he started to give concert alone on stage. Then, the Weissenborn guitar, also played by Ben Harper, put a spell on him.


He got original instruments custom made for him, thus mixing both his passions for music and wood.


With his Old School style inspired by Led Zeppelin, BB King and the Mowtown movement, he wants to go across the continents playing and sharing his music with the whole world.

The Voice

Il participe à The Voice 6, un véritable challenge pour Will. Avec son univers musical particulier, tourné vers la country et le blues, il a souhaité se confronter à l’avis de professionnels en espérant convaincre les coachs avec un cover des Pink Floyd 
« Another Brick In The Wall »
Il rejoindra la team Zazie.
Il participera à The Voice All Star 4 ans après où il regagnera de nouveau l'équipe de Zazie.

He took part in The Voice-Sixth edition which was a real challenge for him. Together with his particular musical style inspired by country
music and blues, he wanted to confront with the opinion of professionals and he wished to convince the coaches with his cover version of Pink Floyd’s “Another Brick In The Wall “.
He joined Zazie’s team.
He will participate in The Voice All Star 4 years later where he will return to Zazie’s team.

Will Barber Atypique ?

Is Will Barber unusual ?

Atypique avec sa force tranquille sur scène et sa timidité.

Atypique parce qu’il convoque autour de lui bien des sons que l'on nous a fait oublier. Il nous rappelle les Floyd, Creedence, Lynyrd ou les Stones. Et les plus obscurs bluesmen comme les gratteux folk de Greenwich.

Will c’est le gars qui a toujours ce bon regard vers son public quand, parfois, ses yeux s’ouvrent ou quittent sa guitare.

Authentique et disponible, 

Will Barber a sorti son premier album "Alone" fin 2018. Cet album lui a permis de jouer avec de grands artistes, et d’exporter sa musique a l’étranger.

Passé par l’étape Power Trio pendant plusieurs années, Will sort son second opus intitulé "13” en mars 2023, qui est le 1er album intégrant de nouveaux musiciens, lui permettant de continuer à développer la vision de son univers “New Roots”.

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His peaceful and shy presence on stage, certainly are.
He's unusual because he surrounds himself with sounds we have forgotten. He reminds us of Pink Floyd, Creedence, Lynyrd or even the Rolling Stones and the most obscure bluesmen like the guitar player folks of Greenwich.
Will, that's the guy who always turns his eyes full of kindness towards his audience, when those eyes open or leave his guitar.

Authentic and available, Will Barber released his first album "Alone" in late 2018. This album allowed him to play with great artists, and to export his music abroad.

Going through the Power Trio stage for several years, Will released his second album entitled "13" in March 2023, which is the 1st album integrating new musicians, allowing him to continue developing the vision of his universe “New Roots”.

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